Our Mobile App gives regular notifications on the Upcoming Exams 2020, Online Registrations form, Exam Admit Cards, Solution /Answer keys.
Our Mobile App gives regular notifications on the Upcoming Exams 2020, Online Registrations form, Exam Admit Cards, Solution /Answer keys, Results and any other important information on more than 100+ Government exams.
Gives you many reports, including the slowest questions, report on the weak topics and overall progress report on the performance.
The Unique feature of taking a small version of the Full Mock Test. It has 40 questions from all the subjects and gives you the confidence of taking the Final Test.
I have never visited this place but I am student of this institute and I never felt that I was out of place during the lectures and the faculty have always helped me whenever I needed them most . This institute plays a vital role in my student and personal life decisions .
VAID's ICS is one of the premier institute in Lucknow for all-round personality development and preparation of a student from Prelims till Interview under the pursuit of various programs such as CIVIL-Abhyaas(Answer Writing) ,Anusandhan(Current Affairs) and Alankar(Essay and Communication skills) alongside regular tests and mocks. The faculty and management is cordial and helpful throughout your journey
It's my Alma mater, and the place where I grew my roots for competitive examinations. The teachers are at par or even better than you can get anything in Delhi or other so called Meccas of UPSC preparation. Tripathi sir is the rock on which you can rely on. I cleared SSC CGL in 2012 UPSC CAPF ASSISTANT COMMANDANT AIR 20 UPSC ESIC DEPUTY DIRECTOR EXAM AIR 67 All the best to all my fellow aspirants, it's not over until you win.
The contribution of the faculty and the management is substantial in guiding my way to get a respectable job. Taking into consideration each and everybody’s feedback and complaints and sorting them out in no time, can only be done
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